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Monday 9 November 2009


RCA Secret is an annual exhibition and sale of original postcard-sized art, made by professional artists, designers and illustrators, plus the Royal College of Art’s current postgraduate students.
This year’s exhibition of over 2,000 pieces includes work by the renowned artists Gerhard Richter, Bill Viola, Julian Opie and Grayson Perry.
Open at the Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU from Friday 13 November until Friday 20 November 11-6pm, 11-8pm on Thursday 19 November. Free admission.

The postcards are signed only on the reverse, so the author of each work remains a secret until after purchase, and the signature on the back is revealed.
Over 800 artists have donated work to RCA Secret 2009 so far, including Yoko Ono, Cornelia Parker, David Bailey, former Stone Roses guitarist John Squire, and animator Nick Park, as well as fashion designers Sir Paul Smith, Manolo Blahnik and Erdem. Many leading American artists have also contributed this year including Lawrence Weiner, John Baldessari and Alex Katz.

The cards, priced just £40 each, will be sold to the public in a huge one-day Sale on Saturday 21 November, 8am-6pm. You must register in advance of the Sale.

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